JNR has eight well-demarcated walking trails that you can explore. The trails are marked on the ground and we also provide a map that provides a description of each trail including the best seasons to visit and what to look for on each trail. The trails are linked to the field guides through colour coding and, depending on the season, you can look for specific trees, flowers or mushrooms on the different trails.

JNR provides a home for an incredible variety of wildlife - birds, mammals and insects. Over 100 species of birds are found here and it is one of the best places to spot large coveys of the handsome Kaleej pheasant. These birds are usually encountered on the trails within the oak and rhododendron forests. Walking on the ridge trail, you will find Himalayan Griffon and Lammergier vultures soaring above you. On the meadows, the numerous berry bushes and fruit trees attract magpies, thrushes and jays. Walking on the spring trail, you will find many mixed flocks of forest and songbirds. Take your binoculars and bird guide along for a rich birding experience, or ask for one of our experienced bird guides to accompany you.

While you might only occasionally encounter wild mammals on the trails, you can be sure that they are all around you. Our camera traps that have been placed in strategic locations around the Reserve have captured leopard, barking deer, goral, yellow throated marten, leopard cat, langur, black bear, porcupine, wild boar and even sambar. If you walk quietly, you could be lucky enough to spot goral on the hill slopes and hear a barking deer running away from you. Martens can be seen on early morning walks, especially in winter. If you walk along the trails with our guides, they will show you signs of the wildlife all around you.

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